How to hide "top-right icon on the header" of ChannelList & Channel

Thanks for your reply. I checked that I can render ChatHeader.

Now, I’m trying to fork UIKit. Is there any guide for that?
There are 2 repos.

I tried to following steps with sendbird-uikit-react-sources but there’s build errors (type error)

  1. fork branch
  2. change package.json file to
    dependencies : {…
    “sendbird-uikit”: “{MyID}/sendbird-uikit”,
    “scripts”: {…
    “postinstall”: “cd ./node_modules/sendbird-uikit && npm install && npm run build”
  3. run “npm i”
    [!] (plugin typescript) Error: @rollup/plugin-typescript TS2345: Argument of type ‘{ channelUrl: string; messageTimestampFrom: number; limit: number; reverse: boolean; exactMatch: boolean; channelCustomType: string; messageTimestampTo: number; order: “ts” | “score”; }’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘MessageSearchQueryOptions’.
    Type ‘{ channelUrl: string; messageTimestampFrom: number; limit: number; reverse: boolean; exactMatch: boolean; channelCustomType: string; messageTimestampTo: number; order: “ts” | “score”; }’ is missing the following properties from type ‘MessageSearchQueryOptions’: advancedQuery, targetFields
    src/smart-components/MessageSearch/hooks/useGetSearchedMessages.ts (39:73)

39 const createdQuery = sdk.createMessageSearchQuery(searchString, inputSearchMessageQueryObject);

I tried to fix this, then another type error occurs.
Is there any simple way to folk UI Kit?