How to hide user ID

In the community chat activity screen, if I click the user icons I can see the user name and its ID displayed in the popup screen, is there any option to hide the user ID and its value from displaying it.

Hi, @sakkk
I guess you use UIKit now.
We have UIKit community!
Next time please leave your question here.

return new OpenChannelFragment.Builder(openChannel.getUrl(), themeResId)

You can disable UserProfile using above methods!

Yes, it’s working …but is there any option to hide the User ID section alone …?
the popup should be there with the user name and the image but I wanted the ID to be hidden…let me know if there any way to do it.

Hi, @sakkk
Then, you create your own profile dialog and use setOnProfileClickListener(OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage> profileClickListener)

Unfortunately, there is no way to hide userId only.

You may hide relevant views without defining a new dialog class if you’re looking for a shortcut which may not look cool, though.
Please, check line 54~56 which is based on UIKit opensource.

Thanks a lot… this is what I was looking for…you saved my time and life :slight_smile: