Is it possible to batch requests using SendBird?

Hello, SendBird community!

I’m wondering if we can batch requests with SendBird as I would like to update user metadata and chat metadata without any inconsistencies between the two. Thanks in advance.

Hello @garlicgarrison, welcome to the SendBird community!

Could you please expand on what you are trying to do? Are you trying to update user metadata at the same time? Are you trying to update channel metadata at the same time? Are you trying to update user and channel metadata in a single API call? Or are you trying to do something else that I did not cover?

I am trying to update the user metadata and the channel metadata at the same time

Updating channel and user metadata uses two different endpoints and requires two different calls. There is no way to update both at the same time using the Platform API.

Here are the docs for the two endpoints:

Updating user metadata:

Updating channel metadata: