Issue with Multiple Navigation Bars in GroupChannelView in SendbirdSwiftUI

Hi SendBird Team,

I am experiencing an issue where multiple navigation bars appear on the GroupChannelView screen, whereas the GroupChannelListView screen correctly displays a single navigation bar. I have tested this with the latest version of SendbirdSwiftUI (1.0.0) as well as beta versions (1.0.0-beta.3 and 1.0.0-beta.2), but the issue persists.

I’ve attached a screenshot for reference:

To resolve this, I attempted hiding the toolbar on the GroupChannelView object by using code, but it did not work. Below is the relevant code snippet for your review:

var body: some View {
        headerItem: {
            .titleView(content: { _ in
                PracticeNavigationView(title: "Chats", isHideDivider: true, leftCallback: {}, rightCallback: {})
            .leftView { _ in
                Image(asset: Asset.arrowLeft)
            .rightView { _ in }
        listItem: {
            .channelName { config in
                    .font(FontFamily.WorkSans.medium.swiftUIFont(fixedSize: 16))
            .channelPreview { config in
                    .font(FontFamily.WorkSans.regular.swiftUIFont(fixedSize: 14))
    .groupChannelView { channelURL, startingPoint, messageListParams in
            provider: GroupChannelViewProvider(
                channelURL: channelURL,
                startingPoint: startingPoint,
                messageListParams: messageListParams
            headerItem: {
                .rightView { _ in }
            listItem: {
                .userMessageView { config in
                    createUserMessageView(message: config.message)

Could you confirm if this is a known issue with the library? If so, are there any fixes or workarounds available? Please let me know what changes I need to implement to resolve this issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards.