Messages are duplicated

I am using react sample app provided GitHub - sendbird/sendbird-chat-sample-react: SendBird Chat SDK sample for React.. The message received is duplicated, the message from one channel is coming to other channels also.
Opened an issue but no one responded multiple message in chat group · Issue #115 · sendbird/sendbird-chat-sample-react · GitHub


any help available ?

Hi @Deepak_Gupta, there are many examples in this sample repository, which specific one are you running?

What are the steps to reproduce this problem?

Hey @Deepak_Gupta, I had this issue as well and reached out to Sendbird via email. This was an issue with the SDK for a short while. Try updating to 4.0.10 or 4.0.11 and that should fix your issue.

Hi @Jacob nleitman , I am using 4.0.11 (“@sendbird/chat”: “^4.0.11”) and i am still getting duplicate messages.

I am using BasicGroupChannelSample provide in the samples

The messages are duplicated and also appearing in the current highlighted channel even if that message is sent to another channel.
Here is in the screenshot the message was supposed to be received in channel 1 but since the user has highlighted channel 2 it appears here and is also duplicated.

@nleitman any fix for the above issue?

@Deepak_Gupta I can’t reproduce the issue. Maybe reinstall the sample in a clean directory.

@Deepak_Gupta multiple message in chat group · Issue #115 · sendbird/sendbird-chat-sample-react · GitHub