Navigate from Voice/Video call to another activity

I have implemented sendbird calling sdk in my application using the code examples given in your sample app.
I have 2 queries regarding the same:

  1. How to add ringtone when the receiver side gets the incoming call screen.
  2. If i want to navigate from call screen to some other activity rather than the last activity which was open to make a call, how can i do that?


In regards to your first question, @kckern mentioned they’ll be updating the Quick Start guide to instruct how to add in things such as ringback and ringtones:

and can you please help me with the second query?

I unfortunately do not have any useful information in regards to your second query. Hopefully there is someone more familiar with Android development that can comment.

Hey @Nemi,

Is there a reason you can’t start an activity via an intent? Something like:

        Intent intent = new Intent(this, WhateverAcitivityYouWant.class);

Hey @Alex_Preston
Thanks for the response. I am familiar with the above Intent method but in the sample app i am unable to find which function finally finish the Video/Voice call activity as most of the functions and layout designs are handled by abstract class “CallActivity”.
In sample app once the call gets disconnected i believe the activity finish itself but i want to open some other activity with call details like call duration, call id etc.

@Nemi Ahh okay, so as far as I see in the CallActivity class, when the state changes from STATE.STATE_ENDING, to STATE.STATE_END, the finishWithEnding(status) gets called which calls finish(), hence how it gets to the previous activity. So what you could do is instead of calling finish() you could simply start another activity and pass the callID as a stringExtra. From there you can get that call object in the next activity via SendBirdCall.getCall(callID). That would contain all of the things like call duration, calleeid, callerid, etc. Did I understand your ask correctly?


@Alex_Preston yes that’s what i was looking for. Thanks for the help. Really appreciate your quick response.
Thanks @Tyler for your reference as well.

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@Tyler any update on the first query??
otherwise @Alex_Preston can you please help with the same?

@Nemi I have no insight on the progress of that change. You may want to PM @kckern directly or get in contact with the Support team.

Hey @Nemi currently they are working on creating a guide for this. It isnt quite ready yet.