Possible to filter ChannelList query by multiple metadata_keys?


I need to filter a channel list query by multiple metadata_keys via query params – is this possible? Or is it only possible to use one metadata_key per query?



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@pjack3191 Thank you for your question. Could you share what platform you are trying to get this implemented?

Hi @eric.kim, I’m using the Javascript SDK.

@eric.kim Do you have any advice here?

@pjack3191 Thanks for your inquiry.

Please refer to this documentation https://docs.sendbird.com/javascript/user_channel_metadata#3_channel_metadata

Hi @eric.kim ,

I’m referring to the channel list query, which allows you to filter by metadata_key. The documentation doesn’t suggest any solution to filtering by more than one key, which is why I ask. This functionality would be very useful, as we have several metadata_keys we would like to filter by, sometimes more than one at a time.



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Hello @eric.kim!
Are there any updates on this?
We also looking for a way to filter the user channel’s list with multiple metadata keys (with exact match) in Chats Platform API.


@Volo Thank you for your patience.

Could you check if this document is helpful?

How to filter channel using custom-type - External.pdf (204.2 KB)

@eric.kim hello
Thanx for sharing examples of using custom-channel-tyles to filter channels
Can you confirm please that using channel metadata for filtering my multiple metadata keys is impossible in this case?

@eric.kim this is something we would also like to know as filtering by multiple metadata keys would be really valuable. Don’t see anything when looking in Group channel | Chat Platform API | Sendbird Docs.

Thanks for your assistance.

@Cameron_Kruse Possible to filter ChannelList query by multiple metadata_keys? - #8 by eric.kim

can you refer to this document?

Hello, when you see the document you provided, I don’t think it’s possible to query my multiple custom types right? Why are you answering something completely irrelevant of what people are asking?

Filtering my multiple metadata_keys or custom types? Either one doesn’t seem to support filtering on multiple values at once.


Any update regarding the feature of filtering channels by multiple metadata keys ?