Preferred language is not translating on Pushnotification iOS

After connect to sendbird, While i am updating preferred language to spanish, my notifications are still coming in english language.
I want the content on Spanish.What i am doing wrong on this,Can any one please help me out to solve this.

*Getting successful response also,while doing

  • Preferred language : [“es”]
    Send notification on english from sendbird.

My Push-notification content type is Alternative template

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@Khusboo_Suhasini Thank you for your patient. Do you resolve the issue or still facing the problem?

on docs it says

Push notification translation allows your users to receive notifications in their preferred languages. Users can set up to four preferred languages. If messages are sent in one of those languages, the notifications won’t be translated. If messages are sent in a language other than the preferred languages, the notifications will be translated into the user’s first preferred language.

Hi @Woo
Thanks for your response, but still not getting any solution.Since it is not translating.
We followed each steps from Doc.

Does it work on Android? or not working on both platform? If it doesn’t work on both platforms then I think it is something you have not set the application right or something else.

Hi @Khusboo_Suhasini I wanted to follow up on Woo’s last response. Does this work in Android or not on either platform?

Hi @Tyler,
This is not working in both Android and iOS. Not getting “translations” payload.

Hi @Smita,

Can you tell me how you’re passing translations to messages? Additionally, are you receiving the translation on the actual message via the SDK and just not in the payload of the notification?

I got the same problem here, updating the current user with the preferred languages, got a success log from the PUT request. but still the notifications are not localized and stays in English.


Hi Tyler,

Currently we are encountering the same issue:

Could you help us try to root cause this issue?