Push notifications do not pop up in background mode

How can i add field ‘notification’ or ‘priority’ when sendbird sends ‘received new message’ notification?
Implemented push notifications several times and all worked fine, from my backend also works as expected.

According to the react-native-firebase docs Cloud Messaging | React Native Firebase, we need ‘priority: high’ or ‘notification’ field, to see popup notification.

that how it comes now, missing both required fields

    data: {
      message: 'Test message sent at 18:46:08 on 11-10-2021',
        '{"sqs_ts":1636562768817,"custom_type":"","channel":{"channel_unread_message_count":11,"custom_type":"","name":"Push Notification Tester","channel_url":"pushtesttoold08c6d852c09588b5d3e4497ac2d7536"},"created_at":1636562768755,"message_id":1573224352,"message":"Test message sent at 18:46:08 on 11-10-2021","type":"ADMM","unread_message_count":15,"push_title":null,"audience_type":"only","push_sound":"default","translations":{},"recipient":{"name":"Larry Morgan","push_template":"default","id":"114dba88-80dc-4827-93a1-34b16e8f42e5"},"files":[],"category":"messaging:offline_notification","channel_type":"group_messaging","mentioned_users":[],"app_id":"F7678905-EEA2-408E-94BE-98418116BF94"}',
    from: '842195359472',
    messageId: '0:1636562768937813%a8047b4ff9fd7ecd',
    sentTime: 1636562768922,
    ttl: 2419200,
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Hey @Stanislav_Sidorov,

Let me connect with our Engineering team on this topic to better understand what is happening here.

Hey @Tyler, thank you for helping, I would appreciate any information you may give

Hello, if you are using react-native-push-notification you can set the priority field when calling PushNotification.configure and on the onNotification callback like below:

import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';

      onRegister: async function (token) {
        SendBirdCall.registerPushToken(token.token, "<TOKEN TYPE>")
          .then(() => console.log('token is registered.'))
          .catch((e) => console.error(`token is not registered. Error: ${e}`));

      onNotification: function (notification) {
        if (isSBNotification(notification)) {
            priority: 'high',
            // ...

hello, thanks, but we are using react-native-firebase/messaging
and notification field is missing anyway

No problem, thanks for the update.
While I am looking into react-native-firebase/messaging, can you share the Android version of the device you are testing on?

android v10
iphone 6s v15
iphone XR v14.7.1

@Stanislav_Sidorov did you found any solution?

Hello Charis, have you found a solution to this problem? I have exactly the same problem. Notifications when the app is closed or in the background are not displayed. The missing “Notification” field seems to be causing the problem. How can I add the Notification field to notifications sent from the Sendbird server?
I’m using react-native-firebase/messaging