Sandbird connection is not working

Sandbird connection is not possible when you re-enter the foreground after having an app in the background for a long time. Is there a solution?

Hello, Welcome to the Sendbird community!

You can use event handlers to check what’s happening: Event handler | Chat Android SDK | Sendbird Docs

Also, please refer to this which shows how connections between a client app’s SendBird instance and our server are managed: Application | Chat Android SDK | Sendbird Docs

Let me know if this helps. If needed then please elaborate more on your query and share more details so that we can take a look and assist you accordingly.

Connection Handler events for common use in Connection Manager are being built and used, and event handlers do not work when entering the foreground. This problem does not always exist, but it appears intermittently. Currently, the handler is not removed when entering the background. Should I remove it?

Hello I just have tested this using the latest version and was able to go online normally and was unable to replicate the issue. It can fail but the SDK is prepared to auto-connect
Since you mentioned it happens intermittently by any chance do you have the reproduction steps so that I can try to reproduce this behavior locally?