SendBirdCall.dial - always selects the default camera

SendBirdCall.selectVideoInputDevice(deviceInfo) - does not work properly, it does not set the default videoinput device to dial.

SendBirdCall.dial(…) it always selects the default camera.

sendbird-calls, 1.9.3

That’s the default behaviour of sendbird sdk
To change this - you will have to switch the camera manually after the call is established

Here is example code for the same:

let availableCapturers = call?.availableVideoDevices
guard let oppositeCamera = availableCapturers?.first(where: { $0.position !=
    call?.currentVideoDevice?.position }) else {
    // handle error here

call?.selectVideoDevice(oppositeCamera) { error in
    if error != nil {
        // handle error here
    // handle success here

By implementing something like this - you should be able to change the camera once the call is established.

The method selectVideoDevice is not described in the latest version of library sendbird-calls, v1.9.3