User List when creating channel

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Hi, I have a couple of senbird apps that are set up for QA, Staging and Prod. When I added a new version (Staging) I started getting an error that only occurs for my staging environment.
The SBUCreateChannelViewController logs the following error when trying to view users to create a 1 on 1 channel.

**🎨SBULog 📕Error Main [2022-09-22 16:35:00.163 SBUCreateChannelViewController:loadNextUserList(reset:users:):278] [Failed] User list request: Not authorized. "User list is not allowed to access from clients.".**

Hi, could you send me your Sendbird’s app_id via DM? I will check the ACL settings of your app.

For someone else stumbling on this, it’s a setting under the Access Control List for the Sendbird app in the dashboard. Check Allow retrieving user list which can disable user lookup through the SDK in general.