I have a question regarding createMyGroupChannelListQuery

First of all, I’m sorry I have so many questions…

When I load the channel list
first, with cutomTypeFilter

let channelListQuery = sb.GroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery();
channelListQuery.order = "latest_last_message";
channelListQuery.customTypesFilter = ["test"];

then, without customTypeFilter

let channelListQuery = sb.GroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery();
channelListQuery.order = "latest_last_message";

How can I make it connect naturally?

if not Is it possible to make the order condition with customType 123 come first?

Hey @1118,

We’re here to help so keep the questions coming!
In this instance, I’m not entirely sure I understand what you’re asking. Can you expand on what you mean by making it connect naturally?
