I wanted to turn on message search for an application, when I clicked on the toggle, it said that This may take some time. An email will be sent when Message search is ready.
and the loader started spinning, it’s been three days the loader is still spinning. I can’t even turn it off as it says that the feature can not be turned off while gathering data
what can I do now?
// If problem, please fill out the below. If question, please delete. [SDK Version] @sendbird/chat 4.12.3
adding more to it:
I know that indexing takes time but the application is new so there are very few test groups and conversations. Also I want to launch the feature today, can’t wait for it anymore. The reason why I want to turn it off now is because I don’t want to increase the cost due to message search feature. I would not like if the feature is live and the message search feature is turn On after release.
@Asees Hi. This is the sendbird support team.
Could you please email the Sendbird Support team the App ID you are using and a screenshot of the dashboard? (support@sendbird.com)