Issue - Intermittent Notifications for VOIP - iOS

We have implemented Sendbird for iOS with Chat and Voice call feature. We are sometimes getting notifications for calls but many times it is missing. Can you please help


Welcome to the Sendbird community. We’re happy to have you here. In order to get a better understanding of the problem, I need to ask a few questions.

  1. What version of the iOS SDK are you utilizing?
  2. Are all devices offline when expecting notifications?
  3. Is this isolated to a specific user or widespread?

Additionally, could you please DM me your APP_ID?


  1. I am using with swift5 for iOS 13 and above
  2. Offline means without internet connectivity or app should be in background? My app was in Background but net connectivity was there.
  3. Behaviour is same for all users.

Yeah sure app Id can share. but how?

If you click on my picture/name you’ll see a message option. Send me the APP_ID there please.

hi Tyler
Check your inbox I have shared required info

Thank you @rishi.cse09. I’m looking into it now.

I took a look into your push configuration from the dashboards perspective and everything checks out. Do you have any examples, where you expect to see a push notification but do not actually receive one?


Hi Tyler,
I tried with your quick start code and mine code for iOS as well.
How can we connect to check

Rishi chaurasia


When you notice that you’re not getting push notifications for calls, is there any pattern to it? I’ve been placing calls to my sample applications without missing any. I want to get a better understanding of the implementation and method of testing.


Hi Tyler,
I am missing everytime time whenever I am trying to place a call to the user logged in on iOS device. after a lot of debugging I found few suspicious things:

  • when app is launching and PushKit delegate method “” is triggered I am getting an error message as "
    pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate pushCredentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) sendbird.calls Code=1800303 “The user is not authenticated”
  • None of the callKit delegates are getting triggered. The event delegates include didEnterRining:, didConnect:, didEnd:

Hi Tyler,
I have authenticated the user via sign in. Even after getting a success message on Sign in, I am not able to get any push for incoming calls. And on successive launch of app, user is showing as logged in but on PushKit delegate am getting same error “The user is not authenticated”


What version of the iOS SDK are you utilizing? Additionally could you share with us how you’re implementing the Call SDK into your application?


Hi Tyler
We are using quick start application provided by Sendbird.

iOS sdk is for iOS14



I took a look and we’re seeing a lot of errors from APNs when attempting to send push notifications to your devices.

We see a mixture of the following:

  • BadDeviceToken - Meaning the device token registered for the user is not valid. You’ll need to unregister it via the dashboard on the users behalf and let them reregister it.
  • DeviceTokenNotForTopic - Meaning that the token does not match the topic of the remote notification. This typically means that the Certificate does not match the bundle ID of your application.

Can you verify that the .p12 Certificate registered to the Dashboard matches the Bundle ID that you selected when building the application? Additionally, remove the device token from the user you’ve been testing with and let it re-register.


Hi Tyler
We had done this exercise earlier as well. We had deleted all the users and two users “rishi24” and “reetesh24” are fresh users who are registered from single device only.

Also for certification same is working fine with FCM for notifications. We had clubbed voip and apns certificate to create a P12 which is uploaded on Sendbird portal.

I would like to explain one more thing that we are able to place video call from iOS device to web. But not able to receive calls when calling from web, as push is not triggered by PKPushKit.

Can we have any reference for iOS implementation for video calls. It would be great to have. Else wise if we can have scrensharing or some other mode to fix issue. We are in trouble to meet deadline for delivery to client.



I understand that notifications for FCM may be working as expected, however when looking specifically at APNs, Apple sends us back the DeviceTokenNotForTopic error when we attempt to send notifications. This indicates that when the .p12 was created, it was not created for the Bundle ID that was used within XCode to build the application.

Can you verify that the bundle ID in the Apple Developer Portal, matches the bundle ID in Xcode?

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Hi Tyler,
Firstly, I would like to Really appreciate your very quick response. Delighted with your kind support. This means a lot and motivates me that yes things will be resolve.

I have rechecked the certificates that we are using for sendbird. Can you help me how to fix the issue for DeviceTokenNotForTopic error.

Below is the screen shot from apple portal and xcode