Multi Image Upload

Hi there!

A feature we would love to have is the possibility to select multiple images from the image picker view, then have a preview before they actually will be sent in a group channel SBUGroupChannelViewController. Currently, there is only the possibility to select one image from the image picker, and then it will be sent immediately.

Many thanks and kind regards.

Hello @anastasia_cubera

Thank you for your valuable inputs here.

I can certainly help in raising a Feature Request here you. But please note that there will be no ETA for the same. Our Product Teams will evaluate the request first and see the feasibility.

To raise the Feature Request can you please share:

  1. Your Detailed use case.
  2. Why you need this?
  3. How is this a blocker for you.
  4. Any workarounds which you have tried?

Once you share all the above details I can raise the Feature Request.

Thank you for your reply.
Here are my answers:

  1. In a group channel, users would love to select multiple images to share in a chat. It would be more efficient to select multiple at once than selecting one, sending it and then go through the process again. Also, it is a quite known feature in all common chat messengers, so users are used to that behaviour.
  2. We need this, in order to satisfy our users needs.
  3. It’s not a blocker, but it is a feature that many users would profit from.
  4. Current workaround is none, users need to select image by image and send it one by one.

Kind regards.