SendBird Push preferece isnt working properly

Hi All,
We are setting sendBird Push preferences to proper value. Yet we see no difference. From our mobile platform we are calling SendBird Api to update push_trigger_option . We see the options getting modified correctly. However , we see that even though the options are modified correctly
“do_not_disturb”: false,
“start_hour”: 0,
“start_min”: 0,
“end_hour”: 0,
“end_min”: 0,
“timezone”: “UTC”,
“push_sound”: “default”,
“push_trigger_option”: “off”,
“snooze_enabled”: false,
“snooze_start_ts”: “”,
“snooze_end_ts”: “”,
“block_push_from_bots”: false,
“push_blocked_bot_ids”: ,
“enable_push_for_replies”: true

For “push_trigger_option”: “off”, we are still seeing push notifications. Kindly resolve or let us know the gaps in our understanding. As this was working fine earlier.

Hi @Diwakar_Mishra, Since there is an existing ticket on the same topic, I’ll close this thread and continue the conversation in the ticket.