Salesforce connector

Hello, we are trying to integrate between Sendbird and Salesforce. When we try the live demo app, we get the error “There is no Sendbird__Setting__c object found, please make sure the object exists in your organization and that you have a right permission”

Hello @Salesadmin,

Welcome to the Sendbird community.

Have you installed the Salesforce Connector in your Salesforce instance?

Yes but we are not able to get it to work correctly.

Have you created the Sendbird__Setting__c object via the Developer Console?

Yes. We created that and we can see the object and the record with the org id and token id. We got the sandbox to connect to our sendbird sandbox (we already have an account). But the chat panel in the case layout is not rendering anything.

Hello - Is it possible for an agent to initiate a chat with a contact by creating a case in Service Cloud?